- CILLADA controller resource의 예시 혹은 구체화.
- <instance_controller> 엘리먼트는 <controller> 엘리먼트로 묘사된 오브젝트를 인스턴티에이트한다. controller 오브젝트는 부모 <node>의 지역(local) 좌표에 의해 구체화 되고 위치, 원점, 스케일이 결정된다. controller는 skinning animation이나 morphing animation에 의한 meshes의 변형을 허가한다.
- COLLADA의 instance elements의 세부를 위하여 Chapter 3: Schema Concepts의 "instantiation and External Referencing"을 읽어보라.
- sid sid_type
- name xs:token
- url xs:anyURI The URI of the location of the <controller> element to instantiate.
Related Elements
- parent elements : node
- other : controller
Child elements
- <skeleton> : 필요한 joint노드의 시작을 위한 skin controller를 가리킴
- <bind_material>
- <extra>
Here is an example of an <instance_controller> element that refers to a locally defined <controller> element identified as “skin.”The instance is translated some distance from the original:
<controller id="skin"/>
<node id="skel"/>
<translate>11.0 12.0 13.0</translate>
<instance_controller url="#skin"/>
The following is an Example of two <instance_controller> elements that refer to the same locally defined <controller> element identified as “skin".The two skin instances are bound to different instances of a skeleton using the <skeleton> element:
<controller id="skin">
<skin source="#base_mesh">
<source id="Joints">
<Name_array count="4"> Root Spine1 Spine2 Head </Name_array>
<source id="Weights"/>
<source id="Inv_bind_mats"/>
<input source="#Joints" semantic="JOINT"/>
<node id="Skeleton1" sid="Root">
<node sid="Spine1">
<node sid="Spine2">
<node sid="Head"/>
<node id="skel01">
<instance_node url="#Skeleton1"/>
<node id="skel02">
<instance_node url="#Skeleton1"/>
<instance_controller url="#skin"/>
<instance_controller url="#skin"/>
이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.
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